NYC CBT Presents: Reshaping Grief and Remaking Life After Loss
About 2.5 million people in the United States and 59 million people worldwide die every year. If each person has on average three very close friends and relatives, at least 7.5 million people in the US and 177 million people in the world are bereaved each year. The death of a loved one is a uniquely challenging life experience, one of the most difficult a person can face. Yet, most people find a way to come to terms with the loss and restore a sense of meaning and purpose in their own lives. However, for an important subgroup, mourning is derailed leading to development of complicated grief (CG). CG can be reliably identified, is different from DSM-5 mood and anxiety disorders, and is associated with substantial distress and impairment, including a high risk for suicidal ideation and behavior. People with CG need treatment. Clinicians need to be able to understand, recognize and treat complicated grief and achieve the overarching goal of addressing grief complications and revitalizing and supporting the natural mourning process.
Established professionals, early career professionals, and students from all applied, research, and academic settings are invited to attend. Tickets are non-refundable or exchangeable.
$30 for professional member ticket
$40 for professional non-member ticket
$15 for student member ticket
$20 for student non-member ticket
About Dr Katherine Shear, MD
Katherine Shear, M.D. is the Marion E. Kenworthy Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University School of Social Work and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She is also Director of the Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia University School of Social Work. Dr. Shear developed a novel composite psychotherapy for the syndrome of complicated grief. Her work culminated in publication of the first randomized controlled treatment study for CG. In 2007, Dr. Shear received a 5-year grant from the National Institute for Mental health to conduct the first clinical study to determine the effects of two different models of treatment for CG in older adults. In 2009, she received a second 5-year NIH grant for a complicated grief multisite treatment study examining the merits of antidepressant medication with and without complicated grief treatment.