The Sexual Tipping Point Model: Diagnosing & Treating Sexual Disorders
Michael A. Perelman, Ph.D.
Co-Director, Human Sexuality Program
Clinical Professor Emeritus of Psychology in Psychiatry
Former Clinical Professor of Reproductive Medicine & Urology
Weill Cornell Medicine | New York-Presbyterian
Founder & Chairman, MAP Education & Research Foundation
Thursday, January 25th, 2018
Registration: 6:30-7:00pm
Speaker Presentation: 7:00-8:00pm
Q&A: 8:00-8:30pm
Weill Cornell Medical College
1300 York Avenue, Rm. C-200
New York, NY 10065
Topic Description:
This presentation will describe and illustrate the Sexual Tipping Point® model’s (STP) integrated approach to understanding the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders*. The greatest advantage of the Sexual Tipping Point Model (STP) model is its simplicity and the ease with which it provides clinicians as well as their clients (and partners) with a common sense explanation of sexual problems and potential solutions. Unlike most other biopsychosocial dual-control models, the STP was developed specifically as a heuristic for clinicians, patients, and partners to visualize and understand the overwhelming number of interrelated organic and psychosocial factors that predispose, precipitate, maintain, and exacerbate sexual disorders. Its illustrations can be used to help minimize blame and hurt feelings while offering hope. Adopting a Sexual Tipping Point® model and a transdisciplinary approach (that integrates counseling with current and emerging medical/surgical techniques for the treatment of male and female sexual disorders) helps demystify the delicate system of balances needed to facilitate treatment success and patient satisfaction.
You will learn:
1. Participants will learn how to apply the Sexual Tipping Point® model within a cognitive behavioral framework to diagnose and treat sexual disorders.
2. Participants will learn to utilize a “sex status” as a methodology for taking a focused sex history with their clients.
3. Participants will learn how to coordinate care with medical colleagues when prescription pharmaceuticals need to be integrated with counseling to provide the most elegant efficacious and safe treatment for their clients.
*Trademark registration owned by the MAP Education & Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity [].
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Michael A. Perelman is a Clinical Professor Emeritus of Psychology in Psychiatry and former Clinical Professor of Reproductive Medicine, and Urology at Weill Cornell Medicine. He is the Co-Director of the Human Sexuality Program at N Y Presbyterian Hospital. In 2012 he founded the MAP Education and Research Foundation (, which educates healthcare providers about biopsychosocial behavioral and cultural approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders. Dr. Perelman served on several professional organization boards of directors and was the President of The Society for Sex Therapy and Research. He was elected a Fellow of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, the International Society for Study of Women’s Sexual Health, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex. He served on the Sexual Function Advisory Council of the American Urological Association, the Standards Committee of the International Society for Sexual Medicine, and the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-V Task Force as an Advisor. In 2015, Div. 43 of the American Psychological Association has presented him with the James W. Maddock Faculty Award. The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) certifies him as a sex therapy diplomate, supervisor, sex educator, sex counselor, CE provider, and honored him with their 2012 Award for Professional Standard of Excellence. His co-edited, Management Of Sexual Dysfunction In Men And Women: An Integrated Approach, was published in 2016, and he is the Emeritus Editor in Chief for Current Sexual Health Reports. He has published over 60 peer reviewed articles, as well as countless abstracts, posters, and over 25 chapters in sexual medicine texts along with delivering over 275 invited presentations.